Create an Online Course that Transforms Lives!

Discover the secret to the unique & revolutionary framework for creating a transformational & profitable online course!  

Most Successful You School of Psychology & Neuroscience

Making Experts in the Creative Arts & Humanities More Impactful
Stand out in the E-Learning Ocean - Learn how to apply Psychology & Neuroscience for Transformational Online Courses that your students will love!

Everything you need to turn your knowledge into a successful & lucrative E-Learning business! 


Create a Course that Sells

How to discover your niche topic & test your market before you create your content - build a sales waitlist

Learners ready to BUY!


Build Your Email List

Learn how to fill your email list with prospective customers with organic list building methods

from Zero to Hero


Without Tech Overwhelm 

Learn how to create amazing online courses on a budget and without the tech overwhelm!

Master Video & Tech!


Automate Your Sales

Course Sales on Autopilot -Learn how to market, sell & scale your online course business

passive income
From Zero to Mastery! 

Learn how to create amazing online courses that transform lives without feeling overwhelmed by the tech!  
E-Learning Revolutionised! Discover how to leverage the powerful science of psychology to create online courses that deliver transformational learning journeys; changing lives and making your online course stand out from the rest!
Master your mindset and challenge limiting beliefs to create the online course business you have been dreaming of!

Write your awesome label here.

Do you have knowledge in the field of the Arts, Music, or Humanities?
Now is the time to share your knowledge!
Have you thought about creating your online course but struggle with knowing where to start? 

Learn how to design, create and develop your online course, step by step from a Post Graduate Qualified Education Professional, E-Learning Consultant & Psychology Lecturer.
Discover how applying Psychology and Neuroscience can help you create successful online courses your students will love! Empower your learners by creating a transformational learning journey!
Create a passive income stream from your knowledge!
I will provide the professional guidance you need to answer these important questions about your online courses: 

Often, it is questions like these that create a stalling point, they stop experts like you from ever creating their courses and the extra revenue they would otherwise make for their business is left on the table. 
Your future clients are waiting to buy YOUR courses and experience the much needed transformation to their well-being and lives that your course will bring to them; wherever they may be in the World. 
Course Creation Coach
Kathy Gray, PGCE Qualified Education Professional | Psychology and Social Sciences subject specialist |
Online Course Creation & Mindset Coach   
Are you tired of the same old cookie cutter 'Create Your Online Course' programs peddled by marketers with absolutely zero knowledge of education, curriculum design and e-learning? Then read on!  
I teach experts like you how to leverage learner psychology to convert your knowledge into successful and transformative online courses.  
I offer a unique online course creation training experience to professionals in the field of the Humanities, Music and the Arts; with the mission of enhancing mental health and well-being across the Globe. 
With my expertise in and passion for psychology and education, I design, create, and deliver my own unique online courses in psychology 
I will teach you how to do the same with your expert knowledge!  
How Can I Help You Today?


How much money are you leaving on the table because you don't have an online course?
What my clients say:
"Katherine has been a tremendous expert resource guiding our online course. The attention to detail combined with a knowledge to how to impart complex information in an interactive way is truly inspired. The course becomes more than content, and engages the listener to learn. These combination of skills are quite unique."

Dr Philip McMillan, McMillan Research Ltd
Coaching/Course taken: Create Your Online Course 1-1 coaching
"Sessions are well structured with clarity of purpose and intent, with the pace and content intuitively adapted to the needs of the learner. Kathy’s delivery is informed and good humoured. From the very start I felt that I was being supported both technically and personally to push through my own limiting self talk to achieve things I never thought I could. Kathy instils confidence and supports individual growth, knowledge and skill development."
N.Q. Leadership Coach
Course taken: Online Visibility Academy
How many people are you not impacting, because you don't have an online course? 
Prefer to work 1-1 with your course creation or would you like to simply 'hand over the reins' and have your online course created for you?
I help experts like you to build your online course using my unique e-learning course creation framework based on neuroscience and learner psychology. The result is an online course that is both engaging and transformational for your learners. Check here to view a sample lesson, giving you an idea of what your course could look like    
We can work 1-1 to create your online course from idea to launch OR you may wish to opt for a complete 'Done for You' Instructional Design Services. To request your complimentary course creation strategy session just click the bar and drop me an email
Creation |   Innovation  | Success
"Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity, not a threat" Steve Jobs
The Most Successful You
School of Psychology and Neuroscience
Unique and Exclusive Online Psychology Courses


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